Biology 224

Human Anatomy and Physiology II

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Welcome to BIOL 224 for Fall 2019

Welcome to BIOL 224 at CSN

When classes are in session you will find lecture notes, links to grades, syllabi, schedules, etc at this website.

Please check the frequently asked questions page (especially if you are trying to get into this class).

Required textbook

Required Materials

This is the second year that CSN has used this text for BIOL 224. Be aware that older editions and used copies will not give you access to the online component(s).

If the online component requires a web address for registration, use this one:

Link to textbook site (corrected)

  1. An iClicker 2. We will be using this for quizzes in the lecture, and you must have it to receive the points.

The iClicker can be purchased in the campus bookstore, as well as many other places.

iclicker photo



Phone:  +1 702 651 4569
Office:  S221A, North Las Vegas Campus
Hours:  Mon-Thu: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
              Mon: 9:00 - 10:00 p.m.

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© Rhett Michelson -
This site is not directly affiliated with the College of Southern Nevada.